Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tips For Stress Free Life

Stress is like dark chocolate. A little of it won’t kill you. In fact, small blocks here and there can be good for you, or at least give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
Throughout our lives many things happen which cause us to hold grudges against friends, family, co-workers, etc. Every single time you hold a grudge against someone, that grudge places an extra weight on your own mental tension which make you feel stress. Just imagine how many grudge (big OR small) you have had over the past few years and think about how much it may be weighing your emotions down. Learn to forgive and you will find your emotional stress and your pain begins to slowly fade away into the background.

Smiling is the first line of defense against stress. It is quick, easy, and free! When you smile your body releases feel-good hormones, while the stress hormone is reduced. Smiling helps you feel calm and in control. It lowers your blood pressure and makes you feel good about yourself.

Exercise is highly effective in reducing stress. It improves blood-flow to the brain, helping you think more clearly. As you exercise your body releases endorphins “happy chemicals” because they melt stress from your body like magic.

Deep breathing can be done anywhere, any time. Think hard about exactly how you’re feeling at this moment. Really think hard about how those emotions make you feel (i.e. are you anxious, have tight muscles, stressed, worried, etc.) and then take 10 very slow, very deep breaths and do the same thing. Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your lungs so that the abdomen expands outward. Feel the difference?

Between juggling our family lives, jobs, personal activities and everything else we have going on, sometimes life gets a little crazy. Simplifying your life is much easier than it sounds, and can work wonders. It simply means removing clutter from your house, focusing on 1 task at a time instead of trying to multi-task (which is a huge productivity killer), and getting rid of anything not absolutely necessary.

Make sure you get and give your fair share of hugs. Not only does hugging feel good, it has been proven to help reduce the stress level, cortisone.

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