Monday 15 July 2013

5 Types of Men Women Cannot Resist

There are men that make women cringe and then there are some who make women go weak in the knees. These are the men that women love, dream of, and lust after. These are the types of men that women cannot resist or get enough of.

1. Harvey Specter
He is smart, cocky, dressed to perfection, suave and a lot lot more. He is the guy women are intimidated of and the one they must definitely have. Alas! Harvey is a fictional character. If only there was a real one!

2. William Thacker
He is awkward, shy, simple and domesticated. Hugh Grant played the role of William Thacker in 'Notting Hill' to perfection, so much so that women are still in pursuit of their version of this guy next door.

3. Charlie Harper
Charlie Sheen has made Charlie Harper legendary. Women know this is the guy who will break their heart, who isn’t husband/boyfriend material and who will eventually cheat on them and leave them. But they *still* find him irresistible. Attraction works in wondrous ways, no?

4. Edward Lewis
We are talking about Richard Gere’s character in 'Pretty Woman' here. He is rich, charming and a thorough gentleman. This is the type that women are always on the lookout for and when they find one, they are smart enough to make him theirs.

5. Gerry
Gerry and 'P.S. I Love You' – women in any part of the world want and desperately wish for a husband like Gerry and a love as true as the one described in this book/movie.

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