Thursday, 25 July 2013

When his brain exploded

One day the ticking time bomb in Ashok Rajamani's head went off. In an 'anti-Oprah' memoir, he talks about how he put his life together again.

At age 25, Ashok Rajamani (below) had what he calls 'a bad day' when he experienced an extreme, near-fatal traumatic brain injury. Now, after more than a decade of overcoming brain damage, he recounts his experience in his memoir, The Day My Brain Exploded. 

His injury was caused by the sudden explosion of an undetected Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) in his brain, a result of a rare congenital birth defect, seen in less than 1 per cent of the population. After this injury, he went through a roller coaster of traumatic consequences - partial blindness, hallucinations, visual distortion and Grand Mal epileptic seizures. While his condition can be fatal, he has fought through it and is back leading a normal life.

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